Background on PM4Silt & PM4SiltR
- The plasticity model for silt (PM4Silt) was developed for geotechnical earthquake engineering applications by Professors Ross W. Boulanger (homepage) and Katerina Ziotopoulou (homepage) at the University of California at Davis.
- PM4Silt is a stress-ratio controlled, critical state-based, bounding surface plasticity model for clays and plastic silts that has been implemented as a user defined dynamic link library for use with the programs FLAC and FLAC2D by Itasca (homepage). The model was developed and implemented to approximate stress-strain responses of specific importance to geotechnical earthquake engineering and cyclic softening problems.
- PM4SiltR is a viscoplastic version of PM4Silt developed for static slope stability applications by Boulanger, Ziotopoulou, and Oathes.
- PM4SiltR was developed and implemented to approximate strain-rate dependent shear strength, stress relaxation, and creep.
- PM4Sand, which provided the framework upon which PM4Silt was built, is available (homepage) for modeling sand and other purely nonplastic granular soils in geotechnical earthquake engineering applications.
- This website provide access to the user manuals, dynamic link libraries, example files, and various reference sources for PM4Silt and PM4SiltR.
- We appreciate hearing from users, so please do send us an email (rwboulanger at or kziotopoulou at and let us know about your applications and experiences.